Contrakant laboratory

Contrakant laboratory proposes physical, textual and scenic forms and strategies that could call into question the a priori with which Immanuel Kant judges how we see and understand reality. It is proposed to change 'what do I see?' to 'what is there?' and then to mark a space and get inside. "The Chinese have conceived not space or time, but "locations" and "occasions", wrote François Jullien. This quotation describes the approach to space practiced by Societat Doctor Alonso: not to assume it as an idea that we already have formed a priori, but to approach "a place" each time and to be attentive to the "occasion"; that is, the moment present in each "place"

Images of the workshop Contrakant at Evélle inside of the program Master Exerce of ICI-CCN of Montpelier

Contrakant laboratory proposes physical, textual and scenic forms and strategies that could call into question the a priori with which Immanuel Kant judges how we see and understand reality. It is proposed to change 'what do I see?' to 'what is there?' and then to mark a space and get inside. "The Chinese have conceived not space or time, but "locations" and "occasions", wrote François Jullien. This quotation describes the approach to space practiced by Societat Doctor Alonso: not to assume it as an idea that we already have formed a priori, but to approach "a place" each time and to be attentive to the "occasion"; that is, the moment present in each "place"