Portraits (or If I was…)

Portraits, or If I were is a series of body portraits seen through the body of a dancer. It is an appropriation of the body of another, of identity expressed in bodily movement. An anthropological work of the movements of bodies of nameless people from around the world. A choreography, a ritualisation of particular and non-transferable movement.
"However, beyond this first layer of objective observation of the portrayed being, Portraits, or If I were, is also an exercise in science fiction, in which there is, on the one hand, the space, the objects and the life of the woman portrayed, and on the other, a foreign body, my own, which it replaces.
Portraits was created from the desire to be another person, to have another body and another life.
Finally, on speaking about others I speak about myself.
This perversion is the tension which sustains each portrait."
Sofia Asencio
A project by Societat Doctor Alonso. Tomàs Aragay / Sofía Asencio.
Performer: Sofía Asencio.
Creation: Ivó Vinuesa, Alex Reynolds, Tomàs Aragay.
Frames and image support: CUBE.bz
Editing: Ivó Vinuesa, Sofía Asencio.
Production: Agnès Mateus and Sònia Isart

Portraits, or If I were is a series of body portraits seen through the body of a dancer. It is an appropriation of the body of another, of identity expressed in bodily movement. An anthropological work of the movements of bodies of nameless people from around the world. A choreography, a ritualisation of particular and non-transferable movement.
"However, beyond this first layer of objective observation of the portrayed being, Portraits, or If I were, is also an exercise in science fiction, in which there is, on the one hand, the space, the objects and the life of the woman portrayed, and on the other, a foreign body, my own, which it replaces.
Portraits was created from the desire to be another person, to have another body and another life.
Finally, on speaking about others I speak about myself.
This perversion is the tension which sustains each portrait."
Sofia Asencio
A project by Societat Doctor Alonso. Tomàs Aragay / Sofía Asencio.
Performer: Sofía Asencio.
Creation: Ivó Vinuesa, Alex Reynolds, Tomàs Aragay.
Frames and image support: CUBE.bz
Editing: Ivó Vinuesa, Sofía Asencio.
Production: Agnès Mateus and Sònia Isart