Shopping bread
Artistic info
Direction: Tomàs Aragay
Creation and performance: Sofía Asencio and François Forêt
Original live music: Nilo Gallego and Pablo Rega
Stage design and lighting: CUBE. SZ
Production and distribution: Estefania Benages
Co-produced by: Espai de Dansa and Societat Doctor Alonso
with the participation of : Centre Cultural Sant Mori and Teatre de Salt
Shopping bread involves a male and female couple who have lived together for years. One day they go out together to buy bread. Using this basis, the performance opens up poetic windows which allow the audience to glimpse the hidden reality of their relationship.
Shopping bread focuses on small, everyday details which are seen in a humorous and paradoxical light which hides an inevitable tragedy beneath it.

Shopping bread involves a male and female couple who have lived together for years. One day they go out together to buy bread. Using this basis, the performance opens up poetic windows which allow the audience to glimpse the hidden reality of their relationship.
Shopping bread focuses on small, everyday details which are seen in a humorous and paradoxical light which hides an inevitable tragedy beneath it.